Your Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to the questions we get asked the most about the Digital Transformation Flexible Fund. If you cannot find an answer to your question here, please refer to the Applicant Guidance document for more information.

How long will the grant process take?

The estimated time from receiving an Expression of Interest (EOI) form from an applicant to issuing the grant funding will depend upon several factors, including eligibility, an applicants ability to collect the evidence required and their suppliers ability to deliver the solution. Nevertheless, average grant processing timescales are likely to be around 36 weeks.

How will you decide which applications to authorise?

The DTFF programme is a competitive process (rather than first come first served) where applications are scored according to: The potential for digital transformation of the applicant/business as a result of the investment project; The potential economic impact in terms of increasing turnover and creating good quality and sustainable jobs for the business; and The business performance improvements that are likely to result from the investment, including increased productivity and scalability of the business. DTFF reserve the right to close funding calls earlier, if necessary, due to the volume of applications received.

My grant application was rejected. Can I appeal this decision?

There is no automatic right granted to applicants or to appeal the decision about a funding application. However, applicants can submit an alternative digital transformation project for consideration if they have been unsuccessful (limited to one re-submission per applicant) – providing the funding call period(s) have not concluded.

Can I apply for funding more than once?

Only one application, per business, per financial year, will be considered.

Applicants who have previously applied for and received funding in a previous financial year may apply again for a new project up to a maximum of two funded projects over the lifetime of the fund.

Can my project receive more than one source of funding?

Applications will not be accepted for projects which have received funding previously or has applied for additional project financing, whereby the DTFF evaluation of the project is still ongoing.

Do I have to purchase the equipment up front?

• Funding awarded will be worth 70% of the total value of an investment project.
• Applicants must match fund 30% of the funding for the investment project. This must be evidenced through a cash contribution and supporting bank statements.
• Successful applicants claim the value of the funding awarded after they have completed the project and paid for the project in full.

Am I eligible?

You must be based in Northern Ireland and within 1 of the 11 Council areas and be:

  • A Small or Micro business (<50 FTEs)
  • VAT Registered
  • Been trading for at least twelve months
  • Have a Digital Transformation Plan or equivalent.

The Programme is open to all sectors with the exception of primary agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

For more details on eligibility please refer to this page: Eligibility

Can I buy the equipment and then process an application?

Retrospective applications are ineligible. Businesses are unable to claim for any expenditure incurred before a funding agreement (Letter of Offer) is signed.

How do I find out more information?

A series of briefing sessions will be hosted across all Council areas. Further sessions will be hosted online via MS Teams. Dates, times and locations of these briefing sessions will be published on this website.

It is highly recommended that all Applicants attend the Pre-Application Briefing sessions prior to submitting an Expression of Interest.

What exactly is Digital Transformation?

Because digital transformation will look different for every company, it can be hard to pinpoint a definition that applies to all. However, in general terms, we define digital transformation as the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business resulting in fundamental changes to how businesses operate and how they deliver value to customers. 

The DTFF capital investment is positioned to build digital innovation into the wider enterprise strategy, rather than seeking to encourage implementation of various digital tools on a ‘technology-based initiative’ level.

The DTFF will support participant companies to embark on a ‘digital transformation journey’ geared to the integration of new emerging digital technologies into key areas of their business, fundamentally changing how they operate and/or deliver value to customers.

How much grant is available?
  • Funding is available between £5,000 – £20,000 (ex VAT) for an investment project.
  • Funding awarded will be worth 70% of the total value (ex VAT) of an investment project.
  • All DTFF supported projects require a matched co-investment from Applicant Companies at a minimum of 30% of the overall project costs.
How are the DTFF Applications scored?

The DTFF initiative is a competitive process (rather than first come first served) where applications are scored according to:

  • The potential for digital transformation of the applicant/business as a result of the investment project;
  • The potential economic impact in terms of increasing turnover and creating good quality and sustainable jobs for the business; and
  • The business performance improvements that are likely to result from the investment, including increased productivity and scalability of the business.

DTFF reserve the right to close funding calls earlier, if necessary, due to the volume of applications received.

What technologies are eligible for DTFF Funding?

DTFF will enable the purchasing of capital equipment and/or resources for ‘off the shelf’ software solutions and/or bespoke system development, based on the following advanced digital technologies/tools:

  1. Smart technologies/smart environments, the Internet of Things (IoT) and simulaton;
  2. Process automation via robotics/cobotics, additive manufacturing;
  3. Big-data and analytics;
  4. Immersive technologies (AR/VR/MR/Haptics);
  5. Artificial intelligence and machine learning; and
  6. Horizontal and vertical system integration, distributed ledger systems/blockchain technologies.

DTFF will not cover the on-going revenue costs of leasing software nor any ongoing maintenance / update costs, which should be borne by the applicant.

It is important that applicants describe the purpose for which the acquired asset or investment will be used and how it will benefit their business performance. All capital investments funded from the DTFF must be aligned to a Digital Transformation Plan.

What are ineligible Investment Types?

DTFF will not facilitate capital investment in the following which could be viewed more as ‘digitisation of existing operations’, rather than digital innovation/transformation:

  • Website and e-commerce development,
  • Social media strategies,
  • Mobile marketing, paid advertising, blogging and content creation,
  • Search engine optimisation,
  • Purchase of IT equipment,
  • Customer relationship management and,
  • Non-industrial 3-D printing.

This list is not exhaustive and the DTFF Operations Team have the discretion to omit costs if deemed ineligible and/or not within scope of the project.

Can I submit an application for more than one advanced digital technology?

Applications can be for either one technology solution or a bundle of solutions so long as the project is within the grant cap.

Can I obtain quotations outside of Northern Ireland?

Suppliers can be from any country so long as they meet the technology criteria i.e. you are purchasing hardware or software under the spectrum of technology areas of focus and the range of capital expenditure authorised by DTFF.

We anticipate that applicants will contact a broad range of local, national, and international suppliers spanning hardware, software and software development to obtain quotations.

Can subscription licences or models be funded?

If a software licence is paid for by regular periodic payments, HMRC consider that those payments are revenue in nature. DTFF cannot fund subscription costs or models.